In between getting home from TX and going on our camping trip, our fridge went out. Then in between camping and Knott’s, we got a new one delivered. Happy anniversary to us! This is the first one we’ve had to buy, our first two ‘came’ with the houses we bought.
Christina M That’s funny. I got a garbage disposal for our anniversary this year. :>)
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yay for being adults. . .
Deborah N Happy Anniversary to you two!! Nice gift
Jonathan B I just realized, your posts make me realize I’m old. My first thought wasn’t a fridge in a questioning manner, but rather I hope they looked at consumer reports and went with one that is American made.
CharLee C Congrats and happy anniversary and happy new fridge to you ¡
Billie D Happy anniversary!
Debbie D I have a fridge just like it! We love it. But be careful the outside dents easy
Terry R Knott’s Berry Farm. I grew up 5 miles from there!