Last week, Hannah and Benjamin were able to participate in our homeschool group’s first science fair. Our group is only a 5 year age range so it was fourteen 4-9 year olds. And no one had any duplicates! In addition to a physical display and possible hands on activity, the kids also had an optional 2-3 min presentation with questions. We had two judges (former homeschoolers) and a lot of fun. My kids said that they really liked everyone else’s presentations and all of the children were respectful and listened to the whole set of presenters even though you couldn’t always see or hear the discussion.
Hannah in particular thought this was a fun improvement on our normal science activities since she is the creative one and had a fun time laying out her board and making it ‘look good’. Benjamin didn’t enjoy the board as much, but still did a really great job and wants to do it again next year. They both got medals with their names on it for participating and Hannah won an award for her age group.
Yay for science!
Our pictures from the Science Fair are here!
We had to prep really early because we were out of town for almost a month prior to the fair, so all those photos are below:
– Pictures of Hannah prepping her experiment
– Pictures of Benjamin prepping his experiment
Sherrie S Good job you two. They were great displays.