I’m a little bit behind, but want to join the July Sonlight blog party and this month’s prompt is: Share about homeschooling on-the-go (travel destinations, field trips, or sight-seeing that tie in with books).
I’m a creature of habit, so I really like to have my ‘school’ time be very similar from day to day. However, we are part of a pretty fun local homeschool group that does field trips and some other activities together. Sometimes those other activities take us out of the house (gasp) for fun learning adventures. I just have to limit our outings to two maybe three a week or it overwhelms us. I think I do a pretty good job blogging about our field trips using the Field Trip category on the blog. We also piggy back on other homeschoolers trips around town to do whatever fun thing is happening. For example, currently I’m hosting a sewing class at the request of my daughter. It was an activity that I didn’t have the energy to do by myself at home just for one person, but when we invite our friends, it makes it more valuable (in my head) and gets me in gear. We try to take advantage of local museums free or cheap days and also love to enjoy the parks and beaches nearby.
We also love to ‘learn’ anywhere. On a recent trip to Indiana, we took the time to search what type of historical or other interesting sites may be close and discovered that the battleground of the battle of Tippecanoe was just down the road, so we decided to take a trip to see what we could see (Photos here).
As far as schooling on-the-go, modern technology is pretty helpful. When we need to get some reading done, I can have the kids read their book on our Kindle or Ipad while we are in the car. We can listen to audiobooks or even practice our memorization songs in the car too. It’s nice that all of our drive time isn’t wasted.
I’m so glad you joined in! Your approach is very similar to ours. I also think it’s easier to do more involved projects with a group. That’s how we did our science labs. Thanks for sharing!