Thanks Aunt Beth for our 3D pens. . . it’s interesting but slow going and our flower wasn’t balanced so it doesn’t stand up by itself. All photos here
1 thought on “3D Art”
Elizabeth P My boys want these…worth it?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring You have to do each layer and “cure” it separately, then join. So it is slow going. Would need to be patient, Benjamin dropped out pretty quickly. The set we got only had three colors but there are others available, so could be a money sink. I’m not sure how many projects we’ll be able to do with the original set of pens. But. You have to think a little differently and can do some fun stuff and it is fun to see it come together. Hope that helps!
Ashley M Everytime i see these pop up i’m tempted. Amazon sells the sticks reasonably priced. Keep posting your efforts, i’d like to see where this goes! And, i have to ask, what is that hippo thingie?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring It’s the handle to our portable highchair thingie… wink emoticon
Kirsten A that is ridiculously cool Beth… here’s to creative expression!! S would have loved that at Hannah’s age (maybe still would?) And I’m curious too about the hippo… did it escape from hungry, hungry hippos game? (one of my all time favorites btw ;))
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Handle to our highchair
Kirsten A too funny….. smile emoticon
Bill N Beth C Wow! That works better than I hoped!
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:5-6
Elizabeth P My boys want these…worth it?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring You have to do each layer and “cure” it separately, then join. So it is slow going. Would need to be patient, Benjamin dropped out pretty quickly. The set we got only had three colors but there are others available, so could be a money sink. I’m not sure how many projects we’ll be able to do with the original set of pens. But. You have to think a little differently and can do some fun stuff and it is fun to see it come together. Hope that helps!
Ashley M Everytime i see these pop up i’m tempted. Amazon sells the sticks reasonably priced. Keep posting your efforts, i’d like to see where this goes! And, i have to ask, what is that hippo thingie?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring It’s the handle to our portable highchair thingie… wink emoticon
Kirsten A that is ridiculously cool Beth… here’s to creative expression!! S would have loved that at Hannah’s age (maybe still would?) And I’m curious too about the hippo… did it escape from hungry, hungry hippos game? (one of my all time favorites btw ;))
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Handle to our highchair
Kirsten A too funny….. smile emoticon
Bill N Beth C Wow! That works better than I hoped!