Happy birthday to our beautiful, bossy, brilliant, baby-girl Hannah Beth! Here’s her 8th year collage and a photo of her new art desk (she calls it her studio)! Lots of arts and crafts coming out of her room lately.
More pictures of her new desk area
Steve A Happy Birthday hAnNaH! Pastor Steve loves you sweet girl
Lynda T Happy birthday Hannah!
Judy S Have a fun day, Hannah! I love your studio!
Debbie D Happy Birthday Hannah!
Caterina D Happy birthday!!
Karla E Happy Birthday Hannah Moehring! We miss you here in Ca. smile emoticon
Min W cake
Emily L Happy Birthday Hannah!!! smile emoticon
Davis H Happy Birthday
Mary B Happy birthday Hannah we miss you here in California mostly at Gardena Valley Assembly of God God bless you
Amara R Happy birthday!!!
Kayla S Happy happy happy happy birthday Hannah!!!! smile emoticon
Shawn M Happy Birthday Super Hannah!!!
Cassie W Happy birthday Hanna!
Donald D Happy Birthday
Denise G Happy birthday Hannah!! We miss you smile emoticon
Emily G Beautiful girl inside and out!
Belinda V so talented and cute
Bertha M Happy birthday Hannah!
Sherrie S Happy birthday!
Maria T Happy birthday, Hannah.
Cyndi A So dad and Hannah have the same birthday?! What fun! Tell Hannah happy birthday!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Nate is the 8th and Hannah is the 9th. I tried to have her on the 8th but she liked life on the inside. smile emoticon
Cyndi A Haha! She didn’t want to share and have her own day!
Bill N Beth C Happy Birthday Hannah! You are a sweet girl.
Chris M Happy Birthday Hannah! (a day late). Hope to see you again soon. We had a great time at your house.
Hannah Moehring Thank you
Hannah Moehring Thanks
Amy M Happy birthday Hannah! Love you!
Hannah Moehring Thank you so much
Michelle B Wow sweetie you sure look good for 34.

Zoe R Happy Birthday Hannah! Miss you soooooooooo much!

Ellen N Happy birthday, Hannah! Hope you had a great day! smile emoticon
Jane D I hope you are having a really nice and fun birthday, Hannah! Solomon says hello and told me he misses you, tee hee! I miss you, too! Happy birthday, missy!
Morgan H Happy Birthday Hannah! Hope you’re having a great day! smile emoticon
Louise D HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hannah Moehring. May God continue to BLESS you in everything HE has planned for your life. Love you always. Give my love to your family.

Caterina D Happy Birthday Hannah! Dax and Rowan say hi!! Hope you have a wonderful day smile emoticon
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Happy birthday little girl! You are pretty wonderful. smile emoticon
Justin M Happy birthday Hannah. We love you.
Hannah M Thank you everybody!!!!
Hannah C Happy birthday hannah
Char C Happy birthday Hannah!!!
Lucille C What an awesome studio and what an awesome Beautiful and brilliant Hannah. Happy Birthday Hannah