Introducing three new pretty ladies on the Moehring Funny Farm: barred rock 1, 2, and 3. We’re working on names. We’ve been letting them out in the yard some during the day. Hope doesn’t seem very interested, I think she’s probably afraid of them or maybe she picked up on my unhappiness from before. Should be getting eggs from them in a month or so.
Photos will be here
Anne W

Shirley J Did you mail order them?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring No, we picked them up at a local farm. smile emoticon
Jace N How ’bout : Nugget, Sandwich, Asian Zing? Those are some of our chickens’ names
Char C hahahahah yes!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring The little one is likely to be Blackie, but the other two are hard to tell apart so far. We’re waiting to see if we have some personality differences. I will submit your recommendations to the naming committee. wink emoticon
Char C how fun! those are some pretty ladies.
Christina M how about baked, fried, and BBQ
Donald B Huey, Duey, and Louie?