So proud of Benjamin. He wanted to learn cursive (to be like his sister) and we’ve been working on summarizing Peter Pan as we read it to make our own little version and practice his writing. I had to help a little bit with capitals (and when ‘his hand hurt’) but I think he did a great job. All the pages are here for your reading pleasure!
Del F I remember learning cursive and when our hands hurt the teacher had a ruler and you can only imagine what happened next. She’d pop the other hand and ask if your writing hand was still hurting. Needless to say I can write cursive with no complaints!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Ouch!
Char C Are you using hwt?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yes. A lot of people don’t like the ‘way it looks’ because they wrote it to help people who are dyslexic so no slant and simple lines. My opinion is let’s get the main idea taught and I like their teaching style and worksheets. And it has taught two of my kiddos readable print and cursive, so I’m happy.
Char C Awsome!!
Debbie D Nice job!
Maria T Wow, Good job Ben. I read through the whole story. It was great. The structure, imagination and the flow….he writes very good.