18 month checkup complete. 95% weight vs 65% height and 75% head circumference. Doctor said no more bottle so we’re going to have a rough couple of days (he has only been getting it at nap time and bed time), but he may lose a little weight.
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Janie B Sweet boy!!
Kim G What a cutie!!!!!!
Samantha L He’s getting so big!!!!
Karla E My exact thought!
Maria T I agree, what a handsome boy.
Kirsti S We made both of ours go cold turkey at a year. It broke my mama heart, but I think the younger they are, the less they remember it. The bedtime bottle was the hardest.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yeah, that’s how I was with Hannah and Benjamin. But since I was more on breastfeeding with him, around 1 I didn’t feel like I was keeping up with him anymore. We switched to more bottles and I just couldn’t take them away then. So now is the hard time.
Kirsti S Stay strong!! I know it’s tough.
Nancy I Wean him off them??
Ana H Awh! As adorable as ever!!! Sending love to all!!!