Woohoo. We finished the last 6 weeks of our second half of world history. Catching up to modern times and the most recent wars.
For bible we read through 1st and 2nd Timothy and she memorized Psalm 100 during this unit. We also finished a book called Window on the World that gives a snapshot of many of the people groups / cultures around the world.
In history/social studies, we finished our spines – Child’s History of the World and Usborne’s World History. We’ve been in them for two years now, so it felt good to close them up. We also completed our spread out readings of Aesop for Children and our poetry book, Child’s Garden of Verses.
Our Read Alouds were really great. We finished up a book on missionary to China, Gladys Aylward. Then we watched the movie “Inn of the 6th Happiness” which was based on her with a little extra drama to make it more interesting. We also read Kildee House and The Little Riders and two wonderful missionary biographies called And the Word Came with Power and Catching Their Talk in a Box. Very enjoyable!
Reading and language finished nicely. We completed our two workbooks, Phonics C and Wordly Wise B. Hannah read Third Grade Detectives #10, The Last Little Cat, Tornado, and Jake Drake: Bully Buster.
We are chugging along in science. We have about 3 weeks left, so I’m just going to keep going with it to finish up and then go straight into Science D when we finish. We have been making up a little bit at a time so we may catch up before the end of 3rd grade. We’ve been doing a unit on big machines – ships, tractors, building roads, oil rigs, etc and our experiments have been about Electricity and Circuits.
Math is going a little better. We do 3 worksheets a week with drills on the other days. Still working through Horizons 3.
– Our main extracurricular is piano. As it gets harder, we have had to deal with persevering and practicing instead of just “getting it the first time”. A good lesson!
– We are also loving Girl’s Ministries. Hannah received two merits this summer and is about to receive a third. We also got her sash ordered, so we’ll have to do some sewing soon.
– Our groups have started back up so we have a weekly park day and a monthly elementary age outing as well as random field trips. Fun to see our friends again.
– Also, visits from cousins and friends, a wedding, and birthday parties all keep us busy.
Judy S Congrats, Hannah! Very impressive!
Kirsten A way to go Hannah!
Hope you enjoyed your sleepover!! <3
Hannah Moehring I did!
Kirsten A Yay!! So glad to hear it! Enjoy 3rd grade -- there's so much reading