Pictured left:Hannah is all geared up for her first competitive sport, 3rd and 4th grade volleyball! Still to be determined, whether mommy and daddy are ready to be competitive sport parents.
As of Friday, Hannah has completed 24 weeks of her 3rd grade year. I feel like we are moving right along. We still have 12 weeks left, but Hannah seems to think we’re “almost done”.
We start our day with morning devotions and are working our way through the New Testament to check off a Girl’s Ministry requirement. She also has a daily bible reading from the Discover’s Bible that’s pretty short. We just went through Acts and then jumped back to start in Judges. We also have a daily reading about North American tribes and cultures in American Indian Prayer Guide. She had been doing scripture memory, but recently we started a six week unit memorizing selections from “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
In history/social studies, we made it through the American Revolution with selections from our spines – Landmark History of the American People, Vol 1 and Children’s Encyclopedia of American History. We also read If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution, Why Don’t You Get a Horse Sam Adams, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. We started Carry On, Mr. Bowditch and still have a bit of that to go. I ordered the Liberty Kids DVD series, so we’ve been working through those during TV time as a supplement.
During this unit, Hannah finished reading Toliver’s Secret, The Cabin Faced West, The Bears on Hemlock Mountain, and started Om-Kas-Toe. We’ve really been enjoying our Child’s Introduction to Poetry as it has audio selections of some of the poems to listen to.
Language Arts has settled into a good routine, daily Sequential Spelling lessons, one Wordly Wise 1 assignment, one cursive writing assignment, one dictation, one grammar, and one Creative Assignment that usually lasts two days (chance to review and revise).
In science, we finished First Encyclopedia of Seas and Oceans, had selections from Usborne Science Encyclopedia, and began a month long unit on radishes using Tops Learning Systems Green Thumbs: Radishes. I’m really impressed with this little workbook. It is well put together and has all the logs and charts laid out so you just fill them in.
Hannah is about two weeks out from being done with Horizons 3 workbooks. I’ve had her download a couple of math apps to play during the remaining “math” time slots so she can stay up on her facts until we start 4th grade. She is excited to be done for awhile as math is not her favorite subject.
Extras always keep us busy. We have weekly park day, piano lesson, Girl’s Ministry meeting, and now volleyball practices. During this last 6 weeks we also went to the Mayborne, attended a Campout, participated in a service project, and saw a children’s production of Alice in Wonderland. When we aren’t out and about, we have the garden and chickens, play out on the land, and ride our bikes!
Judy S Looks like a pro!
Amy M Love it!
Larry M I am so blessed to see Hannah on the field of sports. When I saw her growing up, she was mostly academia. Cerebal would have been a good description, but with the overwhelming influence of such sportsmen her parents are, it is inevitable she would turn out as a solid athletic who will, from all indications, be a super competitor and one who keeps her cool on the field.
Glenn Pat M Serious business!
Nancy I Enjoy her and if competition comes up, enjoy that, too! Of course ask God about it!!
Ana H Go Hannah! It’s sooo much fun watching your daughter play! Hannah will be a great player.