Spring garden is doing well. My corn isn’t coming up, I think the ants ate the kernels. But our beans, watermelon, zucchinis, and squash are starting to grow. Almost out of carrots, need to replant. Hannah is still selling goodies. Almost to her goal.
Kerri H My strawberries died. 🙁 But my peppers are finally starting to flower!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring It was my first one. Pretty little, but tasted good. We’ll see how they do.
Jackie P Looks great! I have a purple thumb. My girls always said that I could even kill the silk flowers too! Lol
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I’m not usually very good at it either, but since I’m home with the kids, I think about it more. And Hannah is helping as she is selling some of it to save up for an Ipad.