Apparently Ben has a hyper sensitive allergy that we haven’t been aware of. He started getting hives on his face last night and by the time we got to urgent care, they were down his arms. We got him on some good meds and we got some sleep. He appeared to be cleared up this morning, but his legs are breaking out today. Not sure what the culprit is.
More rash photos
Kimberly H Oh poor baby!!
Nikki R Oh my. Prayers for you guys!
Kim M I swear it is the Moehring genes. Grace did that once. Just broke out in hives. We saw the pediatrician, did benadryl and oatmeal baths. Never could figure out what flared it up.
Sarah D Try cool shower or bath, Tessa got a rash like this one say after playing outside. I gave her a cool bath and they started going away. I never figured out what it was and it was gone the next day. I remember my sister Billie getting hives when we were young too, my dad said the she was allergic to a certain pesticide.
Justin M Lilly had this last week. We couldn’t figure it out either.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Did anyone else have a cold at the same time? I think maybe they react to colds differently. He will always get a rash if he gets strep.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Justin, awww, poor baby.
Justin M Lilly had her normal allergy stuff but she doesn’t usually break out like this. We got her on a steroid and it did the trick.
Bill N Beth C That’s scary. Glad he’s feeling better.
Chelsea W Maisie had recurrent hive breakouts for over a year. We did steroids, food journals, aggressive antihistamine treatments, and allergy testing. She apparently breaks out from environmental allergies (ragweed, dust mites, and mold). She will also break out in hives when she is cold. If it is cold in her room, and she has bare feet not covered up, she will have hives on her feet in the morning.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Oh my, that had to have been tough. It’s weird that he’s never done anything like this before and it doesn’t seem like we did anything out of the normal. My allergies are pretty bad today too so maybe something is just really high.
Bob L Perhaps you should hide the tequila
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Do you break out in hives when you drink? Haha
Bob L Yes but with tequila that’s generally the least of my problems
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Guess I’ll ask him how many margaritas he had yesterday.
Terah L
Oscar H I had this happen to me before when I was little also. It was feathers, down comforter.
Steve A Feel better buddy
Emily L Oh no! I hope he feels better soon & you figure out what is causing him to break out. :/
Christina M Audrey gets a rash from one of our dogs. Not both just astro. And grass is bad too
Samantha L Poor baby! Poor mama! Hope he’s doing better! <3
Larry M I am having a bout with rashes all over my 75 year old body.
Bill N Beth C Poor Ben. We never had any allergies like this in our house. Instead our son just passes out at the sight of his own blood (seriously). Hope he is feeling better.
Jeanne M You are still cute even with hives!