We finished week 30 before our Alaska trip so now we only have about four weeks left in 4th grade.
Bible is a nice time in the morning with our Starting Strong devotion and Girls Ministry work. Hannah also read through 2 Samuel and Ephesians this unit and had memory work assignments.
In history/social studies, we went from the Great Depression through WWII. We read Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt and used Landmark History of the American People, Vol 2, Children’s Encyclopedia of American History, and The World Wars as our spines. We learned songs out of Wee Sing America and our timeline is looking pretty busy in the more recent pages.
Together we read through Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and The Winged Watchman. They were both tear jerkers with some good discussion. And our weekly selection of Children’s Poems.
Language goes well, Hannah spends extra time on her creative assignments most of the time because once she gets started she doesn’t want to write just a paragraph but wants to keep going. We have Sequential Spelling 2 for spelling, a cursive assignment each week, The Grammar Ace for grammar and Wordly Wise 3000: Book 4 for vocabulary.
Hannah’s reading have been getting longer but the books have been fun. I’ve been having to keep up with her. This unit she read The Seventeenth Swap, Plain Girl, and Henry Reed, Inc.
Science is going alright. We have Mysteries and Marvels of Science as our spine right now which is a fun read. We have been in a unit on magnetism and moved into electricity. We also did a short stint in a book called Light and Color and did some experiments with light. We are still a little bit behind where I would like to be but hope to catch up during our break between cores in August.
Hannah was working in Horizons 4 and starting to get more into long division but we are taking a little break and just working on math facts with our Flash Master as her assignments we taking too long and she was getting frustrated. We’ll get back to it when she gets a little better at facts.
Extras are always fun. We have weekly piano, Girl’s Ministry, and Park days. Hannah also did another season of volleyball this unit. She is going to take a basketball camp this summer so we’ll see what sport she wants to play in the fall. We spent some time at the lake with the Diltz Tx family, went to cousin Brendan’s college graduation, and had family up for Benjamin’s baptism.