I was going to post photos of the fruit trees I planted a couple years ago, but its pouring buckets and I’m still recovering from my cold. The trees make me happy, not because they replace the babies, but because they are alive despite me. 🙂
Today I’m thinking of those who I know have journeyed this road and those who still hold it in their heart. I pray peace for you today and I’m willing to be a listening ear if you need to talk.
Jenny M You’re one of the strongest people I know. Always have been ❤️
Annette Steve Q Love this. Love you. Miss Baby Qualben 2002.
Mary BM X 4. Always in our hearts. Hugs Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring!
Amy M Love you
Doti Giacalone Guymon Thinking of you! Always so strong and wonderful!