3rd and 5th grade is kicking my butt y’all! Since both kids are doing more independently, I have more that I have to give feedback on that I have to get back to them before the next day and adding Joel in. It’s like I have homework every night!
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Stephanie G Welcome to teaching! The teacher always has homework
Amy That’s what I do. Homework or lesson plans every day. #teacherlife
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Amy but I’m not getting paid!
Amy Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I don’t get paid for work out side of school either
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Amy I know about salaries, you chose that. Just the same way that I chose what I’m doing. I’m just being whiny brat!
Susie H Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring with lots of love Becca

Emily L Right!?!
Sherrie S I remember those days. I would spend all weekend making lessons plans and every week night grading their work.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring My curriculum is nice and laid out for me. So I only have to do a little planning on Sunday nights. I just didn’t add ‘grading homework’ to my schedule at the start of the year. I’ve got to figure out where to add it in.
Donald B Doesn’t it take the place of sleep? Or do you just grade homework when you go to the bathroom?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring The loss of sleep cycle that works so well for engineering doesn’t quite cut it for homeschooling. You have to be awake and ‘pleasant’ every morning, not just alive. Haha. And it is already hard enough to get a bathroom break.
Sherrie S I try to make it a part of the school day now, I check each page as they finish (glance over not check every single problem/question) I make sure to fully check tests, papers, essays, and quizzes though. It is the only way I can get things done.