We met up with our homeschool buddies again for a park play date as one of our old haunts. We had a little birthday party for Hannah with cake and enjoyed catching up some more.
After the park, the Lacasse/Moehrings took a short trip to the beach as we were only about a block away. It sure was cold though. Joel thoroughly enjoyed it until he got wet and then he was tired and done.
Moehrings got to go out with Nate’s team for evening dinner and drinks to round out the day.
Beach photos here

Mandy T Where are you guys?! The first time I went to the Pacific Ocean it was so cold I couldn’t believe it!! Spoiled from the warm gulf
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Mandy, we are in Los Angeles. Yes, it was cold!
Mandy T oooh nice!!! Love it there
Karla E Unusually cold
Maria T Welcome back to Los Angels

Love you all