Hannah has finished her reading of the New Testament for Girl’s Ministry (and also finished the Stars level) so we will start using our devotional time for Benjamin’s Ranger assigned readings. She also has school assignments and we have an interesting book called Remembering God’s Awesome Acts that has activities to help dig into the bible more. During this last unit, Hannah memorized a poem called “If” by Rudyard Kipling.
In history/social studies, we worked through the overviews of culture and peoples of Russia, South East Asia area, Vietnam, and India. We read
William Carey: Obliged to Go about a missionary to India. We also have readings from 100 Gateway Cities and a weekly current events assignment.
We did a short study on economics with a wonderful book called Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
Read Alouds included Rascal, The Land I Lost, Daughter of the Mountains, and weekly poetry selections from All the Small Poems.
We’ve gotten a good routine for Language Arts finally. Spelling with Sequential Spelling 3, grammar, cursive, vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 5, and a weekly creative assignment.
Hannah read Homesick, The Incredible Journey, Ali and the Golden Eagle, and Habibi for her readers this unit.
We studied genes and DNA this unit for science. The main books were Usborne Introduction to Genes and DNA and Food and Nutrition for Every Kid.
Math is math. Hannah tolerates it. We are closing in on the end of Horizons 4. On Fridays, she plays a math app called Prodigy.
Extras and fun! We have daily piano, daily DuoLingo, weekly timeline, weekly park playdate, and weekly Girl’s Ministry. Hannah is moving into the jr high class, Friends. We had a trip to the zoo and participated in our homeschool Spelling Bee.