Joel finished up his first 6 weeks of preschool a few weeks ago. So here is the write up. It has taken me moving the schedule around a couple times to where we feel like we’re actually getting stuff done I want to each day for him and for the olders. I think we’ve got it for now.
Most of the time, Joel joins us for morning devotions. We are currently reading Benjamin’s assigned readings for Rangers, but if Joel is participating, I’ll have him pick a story from his children’s bible. We also do his song of the week during this time. He gets a kick out of the silly little nursery rhyme songs and his favorite right now is I’m A Little Teapot.
History/social studies is very light at this level. We have a book called Things People Do that I like very much that discusses different occupations and has lots of great vocabulary. We are working through a children’s bible as well, one story at a time.
Read Alouds consist of a few major spines we’ll be reading all year and a few short extras along the way. The main books are A Treasury of Mother Goose, The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book, Uncle Wiggily’s Story Book, Stories From Around the World, The Children’s Book of Virtues, and Eric Carle’s Animals Animals. We read one or two stories from each one during the week.
In language, we have a set of workbooks designed to help me learn Joel’s learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc) and see how they work with my teaching style and also look for any developmental issues (memory, spacial, etc). They are called Developing the Early Learner. So far everything looks good except he has the same trait as his siblings about wanting to do things his way instead of following directions. We are also adding in the Preschool Handwriting Without Tears book as Joel is attempting to write letters now and I want him to learn the correct way and not have to reteach things later.
Science is a book called Berenstain Bear’s Big Book of Science and Nature. We love this book! Hannah volunteers to read it sometimes because she remembers enjoying it.
Math isn’t formalized yet. Just random life moments of counting, colors, matching, sorting, and time. He seems opposed to the number thirteen.
Extras are fun. Since the olders have current event assignments now, Joel has a subscription to God’s Big World by World News and he gets a little magazine handout each week with interesting articles and access to corresponding videos on the app. He also does GoNoodle when we have some downtime or watching the LeadFrog learning videos. He is in Royal Rangers as a Rainbow and we have weekly park day. Joel is also doing tball this spring and will be having his first game soon.
Jd N ***SOOOO SWEET !!!!