Tree growing is not for the faint of heart! Here is my plum and one of my apple trees two years ago vs today. I’m going to have to top the plum this winter and thin it out so it will make better plums. I think we are still a couple years away from apples. My oak trees died last year and tried to grow again this year and died again. Maybe next summer won’t be as dry. My peach tree did well for its first fruit season (I’ll prune it this winter too) and I don’t have any idea when to expect pecans.
Micah W I have a hard time just growing a plant.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Me too, trees are so slow
Terah L Understand. I really miss my tree. My grandpa has oranges and had apples for a very long time. The most delicious apples. Unfortunately this Texas heat. The apple tree only lasted a few years but. He was so proud I have a few pictures of him and my grandma(while she was still living ) with it. Treasures.