I am quite a bit behind on this post. We are almost done with P4/5 (36 weeks), but I hadn’t written up weeks 25-30 yet, so that’s what we have here.
We do morning devotions reading through the bible and sing Joel’s assigned song of the week as well as each of us picking a worship or fun song and pray. We also read a selection from a kids bible as part of Joel’s school time and review a bible verse each week. During this unit, we finished Family Time Bible and started Jesus Calling Bible.
In history/social studies we have been reading through a book called Stories from Africa. We finished a book called People and started a book called Then and Now which compares peoples lives of the past with current technology. We try to do a little bit of current events with a God’s Big World magazine subscription.
Read Alouds are the fun part. We have weekly selections from A Treasury of Mother Goose Rhymes, Uncle Wiggily’s Story Book (which is not Joel’s favorite), The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book, an audio listening activity with American Tall Tales, The Children’s Book of Virtues, Stories From Around the World, Milly Molly Mandy Storybook, art selections from A Child’s Book of Art, and poetry selections from Eric Carle’s Animals Animals.
We had recently started up formal language (LAK) with him before this unit, so had completed week 8 by the time this unit was done. That means we have worked specifically on letters F, B, M, T, R, A, and H. And he’s also working through a set of workbooks called Get Ready, Get Set, And Go for the Code. We also continued with the Developing the Early Learner series to help understand his learning style. He continues to favor his left hand, so that is exciting for me. We also read through the Dr. Seuss’s ABC to help with pronunciation and First Thousand Words for vocabulary.
We have some pretty interesting books to read for science. Pretty much just introducing him to lots of subjects. During this unit we read How Do You Lift A Lion? and What’s Smaller than a Pygmy Shrew? It is pretty funny hearing a 4 yo talk about pygmy shrews.
Math is still just counting, sorting, and noticing patterns. He likes puzzles and geometry type games.
Extras included finishing up his first season of soccer which he did really well in and starting a ninja gymnastics class. He is loving this activity and we’ll probably keep on with that for awhile. Joel is also in charge of our chickens. He feeds and waters them and checks for eggs. He also sells our extra eggs at church for a little bit of spending money. He also spends a good amount of time running around outside and jumping on the trampoline with our neighbors.