Kids got to meet Sister yesterday (no faces until things are finalized). They did a lot of imaginary play and we ate our first meal together. Hannah made her a little slideshow tour of our house so she could see what her room would look like.
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Jenn H Wow!!! Congrats!!!
Garrett N Heather A Hannah is an amazing young lady .
Donna K Praising Jesus with you!
Donna K puppy love
Kay B So cool! What a blessing!
Rebecca C Congrats to you all such a wonderful blessing
Cheryl P sweet
Emily G Awesome! Love those kiddos and the life you are providing each of them.
Norma W The look on their faces says it all about their happiness!
Auguste S Congratulations

Laura S Congratulations
Jana Wimer I love this! I can’t wait to meet her one day. Let us know if y’all need anything.
Janice E That’s wonderful
Bill N Beth C Happy Birthday, little brother. What great gift to give her and you!
Samantha L So happy for you all