Have Onions, Make Soup March 21, 2020 1 Comment on Have Onions, Make Soup Posted in Becca Attempting onion soup today. Kids probably won’t like it but it smells good. Related
Jana W Onion soup is the best! Micah W Sounds so good!! Bill N Beth C Keep trying new foods. You never know what they’ll like. Donna K How did the onion soup come out? Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I liked it and Nate liked it. The kids tried it. Heather R dinner Pat H Best part of onion soup is the toast cover on the bowl with that thick layer of cheese sealing it up the edges. Stanley W Awesome Reply
Jana W Onion soup is the best!
Micah W Sounds so good!!

Bill N Beth C Keep trying new foods. You never know what they’ll like.
Donna K How did the onion soup come out?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I liked it and Nate liked it. The kids tried it.
Heather R dinner
Pat H Best part of onion soup is the toast cover on the bowl with that thick layer of cheese sealing it up the edges.
Stanley W Awesome