A brand new core! Sonlight has long been requested to put together a Kindergarten core because the first school core (now called HBL A) is really at a 1st grade level of content and it is a big jump from the P4/5 level to A. So they pulled together an Intro to American History and stuck it between, now called K.
I had used Core A for the olders, but we had stretched it out over 18-24 months instead of doing it in one year so that they would be about the right age for Core B. I was planning to do the same thing for Joel, but now I don’t need to. This will be fun to do new books (only 12 of them were pulled down and I already had) and to spend a little extra time on American History. We got the books for the core in mid-April but the science is backordered so we’ll start that when we get it. We had already started LAK when Joel decided to start reading, so we’ll keep right on with that. And we started Horizons Math K, which Joel is really liking.
Books List below. (images of book covers here):
Core K:
Sonlight K IG
Grade K Readers Schedule
One Year Bible for Children (KB01)
Sing the Word! Teach Me Your Paths (KB02)
Timeline Figures – K (KH07)
Heroes and Happenings Vol. 1 (KH02)
Heroes and Happenings Vol. 2 (KH03)
Abandoned on the wild frontier
You Wouldn’t Want to be an American Pioneer (KH08)
Maps and Globes
George vs. George (KH11)
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark (KH12)
The Very First Americans (KH14)
If You Lived At The Time of the Civil War (KH16)
If You Lived in Colonial Times (KH17)
Amazing Impossible Erie Canal
Three Young Pilgrims (KH19)
The Llama Who Had No Pajama (AA05)
Richard Scarry’s Please and Thank You Book (AA06)
My Father’s Dragon (AA09)
Dolphin Adventure (AA10)
A Grain of Rice (AA14)
The Boxcar Children (AA17)
Dolphin Treasure (AA22)
Little House in the Big Woods (AA29)
Anna Hibiscus (KA01)
Love From Anna Hibiscus
The Terrible Two
Adventures of a South Pole Pig (KA04)
Lulu and the Dog from the Sea (KA05)
Travels With My Family
The Silver Balloon (KA08)
26 Fairmont Avenue
The World According to Humphrey (KA11)
Just Dance (KA13)
Roxie and the Hooligans (KA14)
Violet Mackerel’s Brilliant Plot (KA15)
Feelings (PA37)
Fun Tales (KR01)
Science K IG
DK Findout Science
Bees and Wasps
Wangari’s Trees of Peace
Why Do elephants Need the sun
From Seed to Plant
Littls kids first Big book of why
Forces Makes Things Move
Magic School Bus: Inside a Hur
Discover and do K
Discover and do kit
My First Handwriting
Horizons Math K
Jana W Do you have all your material on here for all grades? We are really considering homeschooling the kids next year but I am kind of at a loss. There are so many different options
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I have what I have done every year for each kiddo. We have used Sonlight primarily because that is what we started with and it worked so no need to change. You can come over and I can show you what we have and how it works, it is hard to not be able to see and touch things.
Jana W Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I agree. I am definitely a hands on person. One day when you are comfortable with it maybe I can come over to see how you do it.
I would love the flexibility of homeschool. I also like that you are in control of what is being taught to them. I am just not sure I am cut out for it.
Bill N Beth C I went to a huge homeschool convention in the DFW area before I started, so I could look at all the options. I’m sure they still do them.