Joel got baptized today!
The video from the church was initially blocked due to music rights but I think it is working now.
The full photo album is here
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Emily G Great decision, Joel!! Thankful to be connected via the www and Heaven wide web! Love y’all and your beautiful family!
Jake R Beautiful picture
Judy S God bless you, Joel!
Emily L Yay Joel & Tristan!
Deborah S Congratulations, Joel! (Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring you look so beautiful!)
Chris M Beautiful. I can’t wait to hear what Joel has to say later. I am very proud of Joel, and his entire family! Amazing.
Albert J Great look picture they
Carolyn L Praise God! Congratulations!
Micah W So wonderful, so proud of him to follow in the steps of Jesus.
Mary M Beautiful family! Precious moments! God is so faithful!
Paulette N Congratulations, Joel!
Kim M Awesome Joel!!!
Bill N Beth C Amen! We love you Joel! Was the water cold?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yes it was!
Stanley W I wouldn’t have missed this for the world
Larry M What a family. I see Jesus right smack dab in the center of the photo!
Maria T Congratulations

Happy for you , love you