We finished up the core studies for World History I – Sonlight Core G.
Hannah is still working on reading through the full bible for Girl’s Ministries, but we had additional reading selections and memorization passages throughout the unit. We also finished up the Children’s Bible Field Guide.
In history/social studies, we closed out our study of the middle ages. We finished our spines: The World of Columbus and Sons, The Story of the World: The Middle Ages, and The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. We also did one current event study each week using World Teen, usually on Friday.
Read Alouds were fun. We finished The Second Mrs. Giaconda, The Westing Game, The Shakespeare Stealer, and read poetry selections from Favorite Poems Old and New.
Reading / LA continued on patter. We used Sequential Spelling 4 for spelling, had a cursive assignment, Keys to Good Language 6 for grammar, Wordly wise 3000, Book 6 for vocabulary, and a creative writing assignment each week. Her last assignment was a persuasive paper on why she should get a cell phone! It was well written, but not sure if it will work.
Hannah read these books to herself: Beduins’ Gazelle, The Samurai’s Tale, and Shadow of a Bull.
Science was mostly evolution related. Evolution: the Grand Experiment was our spine with the movie Icons of Evolution. We were disappointed with our experiment book, Chemically Active, will have to try something different when Ben gets there.
In Math, Hannah finished up Horizons 5 and went straight into Horizons 6. We’ll keep working that this summer.
Extras are still the best part about homeschooling, even though a lot of things are not running right now and plans have been changing. We still do piano for music, Duolingo for language. We play on our land, the creek was running nicely for awhile and we enjoyed that. We have been getting to know sister, took a week long short term mission trip, and had a family visit for Joel’s baptism.
A great ending to a great year!