It took us three days (amid other stuff) to harvest our grapes this year. We got 12 quarts of green grapes and 2 (only 2 single) red grapes. The squirrels and cardinals got the rest. The kids aren’t super thrilled with them because they aren’t seedless but they will eat them. I figure at $7 a bag at the store, we paid back the cost of the plants. Haha.
Emily G You should read $64 dollar tomato. Funny and along the same lines as to what you mentioned.
Susan L Have them save the seeds for next year.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring These things grow too slow for that.
Bill N Beth C Yes, but they’ll keep producing every year, so you can make juice and jelly. Yum!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yup!