We were talking about Esther and Joel says, “Was she the beautifulest?” I said the king picked her out of all the other ladies in the kingdom. Joel said “If I was king, I would pick Hannah as the beautifulest!”
So cute!
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Jackie G Perfect!!
Ralph H Here is a clip from a movie – A Night With the King – the story of Esther.I
Back then if you approached the king and he did not extend his sceptor you could be killed – if you approached the king and he did extend his sceptor you could approach safefully.
My Favorite Part: ‘One Night with the King’
Rebecca Diltz Nate M He would probably like that part of being the king too. 😉
Hannah M Ralph H Imagine the prince or someone recently became king, and we’re still learning how to be king. What if, when someone came to see the king, he forgot to extend his septer… Oops…😬
Debbie D Absolutely beautiful ❤️
Micah W Sweet. 🤗🤗
Janie B Sooo sweet! I’d pick her too. She’s as beautiful on the inside as she on the outside.
Hannah M Janie B ❤️thank you!