I tried, I succeeded, in slicing the tip of my pinky off last weekend. It is looking a lot better. We got to use that liquid skin that we bought after Ben busted his chin. Thank God that skin grows back!
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Amy M Gross
Heather B Yikes
Mike B Ouch!
Sheri L Ooohhh mandolin injury?
Rebecca Diltz Nate M Cooking . . . haha
Vaughn L Ughhh… Just had the same thing finally heal up for me. NOT cool.
Merrie Ann F That must hurt owew
Paulette N Ooh ouch.
Donald D Owwww!
Ralph H
Billie D Ouch!
AshleyandAustin R oh. my. OUCH! If that is looking better, I am glad that you didn’t post a picture of it when it was fresh.
Rebecca Diltz Nate M It took us awhile to get it to stop bleeding so it stayed covered for a few days.
Terry R Ouch.
Debra B Wowzer!!! Looks like that’s pretty painful!!
Shelley H Ouch
Sean M Ouch! Happened to me too, but idk if it was that bad. What you cut it on?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring
A vegetable slicer
Sean M mandoline! Classic.
Doneane F Oowie
Janie B Oh no!
Rebecca C Ouch that wasn’t fun so sorry prayers for healing

Ralph H My first thought when I saw that finger tip – it looked like Mr. Data’s finger tip.
David F Great minds must think a like.