Our Wii died yesterday! It was well loved and saw many hours of play. Does anyone have an old one laying around that we could buy or would like to donate one to the new business for a donation receipt?
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Sherry S I have a couple- I’m sure one might still work- I’ll check tonight- I’ll text you
Donald B Is a bit of a drive but I think my wii is still boxed up from some time ago. It should still work.
Rebecca Diltz Nate M Donald, maybe you need to come visit. Haha. We could pay you the shipping. 😄
Donald B I am only like 4 hours away…
Rebecca Diltz Nate M Donald, I know. Way closer than az
Donald B or CO
Rebecca Diltz Nate MDonald, fyi your dd figures are hanging out at the new place too!
Donald B glad to hear they are well loved.
Donald B If it weren’t for this pandemic I would be out exploring more and probably would have tried to find my way down there sometime. I am being cautious on my trips.