Woohoo, I got this year’s homeschool planned out and what I still need ordered. God usually laughs at me and I usually have to modify within a couple weeks, but this is where we are starting in Sept. 

Hannah 8th Grade – Core J – History of Science / LA J / Sci J / Pre Algebra
Benjamin 6th Grade – Core G – World History I / LA G / Sci G / Math 6
Ginny 4th Grade – Core B+C – Condensed American History / LA 2 / Sci A / Math 3
Joel 1st Grade – Core A – Intro to the World / LA 1 / Sci A / Math 1
Hannah has picked up a part time job so she will be doing most of her work independently. I’m a little bummed about this because her books look really interesting. I’ll try to stay up with her. Benjamin is cruising along, I remember enjoying most of the books he’ll have this year so it should be fun. Ginny is a little behind on history so I’m going to do a condensed year this year for American History and next year for World History to catch her up. We’ll see how it goes. Joel started 1st grade already but I’ll be stretching it until next fall before starting the 2nd grade content.