Hannah finished up 7th grade in the nick of time to start 8th grade. Haha. She has started to do the majority of her work independently, which I am very grateful for since we’ve had such a busy schedule. I do miss reading with her though and try to read after to see what she has been learning.
In bible, Hannah is still completing her bible reading merit for Girl’s Ministries. She is also starting to do some devotions on her own as well as her assigned school readings and memory work. During this year, she was assigned a devotional book called The BBC Manual and a book called Daring to Live on the Edge both of which were very good.
Her spines for history were the Story of the World series and the Usborne encyclopedia and she finished up with The Story of the World: The Modern Age. She has a current events assignment each week with World Teen magazine.
All her books were turned into readers so during this last 6 weeks she read Escape from Warsaw, The Endless Steppe, I Am David, God’s Smuggler, It’s a Jungle Out There, . She also finished Classic Poetry selections.
For language she finished with spelling (she thinks this is great), had vocabulary in Wordly Wise 3000: Book 7, a weekly cursive assignment, and weekly creative assignments.
In math we moved into Horizons Pre Algebra. She is doing ok with this, sometimes we pull out an extra worksheet to help with a concept.
Science was pretty fun this year. She finished up Garbage and Weather and Climate Change. She had a few experiments during this unit, a weather journal, and a decomposition activity.
Hannah is getting pretty busy with her electives. She has a job helping a friend clean houses and she is having to juggle working, school, volleyball, and helping at church. She does a great job! This unit, Hannah helped lead a group for VBS, played at PawPaw’s memorial, went to youth camp, a family reunion, a trip with the Diltzs, and a trip to TN. She has been having fun with our new puppy Samwise. And she still does karate and volleyball as well as leading worship at church. She is a great teenager!
Shelley H victory
Judy S An Awesome review! What a busy girl!!
Rebecca C Awesome job!!!

Jackie P Congratulations
Maria T Congratulations

Paulette N Keep up the great work, Hannah!!!
Lynda T You’re amazing!