Benjamin finished up strong for 5th grade. We really enjoyed Core F – Eastern Hemisphere. There were a few books that were different from when Hannah did it and it had some difficult content, but I feel like Benjamin handled it well.
In bible, he had daily bible selections and weekly memory sections.
For history, we read a missionary story about Mary Slessor and had a few cities a week from 100 Gateway Cities. We finished up our spine Journey to the Eastern Hemipshere. Once a week, he would have a current event assignment with his World Kids subscription.
For read alouds, we finished up A Long Walk to Water, read Aladdin, Call it Courage, and Journey to Jo’burg. I added in Island of the Blue Dolphins. We had poetry selections from All the Small Poems.
In language, we have spelling with Sequential Spelling 3, grammar with Key’s to Good Language 5, vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 5. He has a weekly dictation, creative assignment, and cursive assignment.
Benjamin read to himself for his readers. During this unit he read Listening for Lions, Red Sand Blue Sky, and Water Sky.
Benjamin does well for math. We are still finishing up Horizons 5.
In science, Benjamin finished up Improve Your Survival Skills and Exploring the History of Medicine as well as Food and Nutrition for Every Kid.
Extras are fun. We have weekly karate and Royal Rangers. We got a puppy named Samwise that has been requiring lots of walking and playing. We ran a VBS in July and Benjamin was a group leader. We also had kid’s camp, a reunion in Wisconsin, and a Diltz TN trip. Ben loves to play with the little cousins and had a great time seeing all the new ones.
Judy S Good for you, Ben!