Benjamin is finished with six weeks of 6th grade. He is doing Core G – year 1 of world history. This will be his third time through world history. I enjoyed this core with Hannah and I’m enjoying it again with Ben. We upgraded the IG so there are a few new books. Overall, it isn’t too much of a jump for Ben in amount of work he needs to do independently, but he is having to be a little more diligent with his science experiments. (Mom isn’t very good at getting around to those!)
We have devotions all together and we have a little bit of Ranger or Girl’s curriculum to work through, then Benjamin has his own school assigned bible passage, devotional book called International Children’s Bible Field Guide, and assigned scripture memory. He also updates his timeline on Fridays.
In history/social studies, our spine for this year and next year will be the Story of the World Series. We are starting with Story of the World: Ancient Times and also us Usborne Encyclopedia of World History as a supplement. We have a little booklet called The Kingdom Strikes Back that we will have selections from all year. Benjamin does a current event assignment each week with World Kids magazine.
Read Alouds are getting longer. This unit we had The Golden Goblet and The Trojan War. Our poetry book for the year is Favorite Poems Old and New.
In language we are continuing the basic plan just a step up. He has spelling with Sequential Spelling 3, grammar with Keys to Good Language 6, vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 6, cursive, and a creative assignment each week. Benjamin read Mara, Daughter of the Nile and The Hittite Warrior for his readers this time around.
Science this year is called Geology and Physics but he has been doing a little bit of chemistry too. Our main spines are What’s Science All About? and Chemically Active. We’ve done a bit with cabbage juice and acids and bases as well as an aspirin / chlorine bleaching experiment.
Math is Horizons 5. Ben has always been pretty good at math and not much is slowing him down this year. He is getting a little bit of pre-algebra thrown in there so he’ll probably be ready for that next year.
Benjamin does just as many extras as everyone else, he just tends to be our background man. He has started helping behind the counter at Connections and that has been very useful. He runs our slides for church. He has weekly Royal Rangers and karate. He says he likes karate and didn’t want to do basketball this year. Their teacher challenged them to do 100 pushups a day so Benjamin has some reminders in his phone to get those done. We had visits from Gram and Diltz grandparents and he is really good with little guy. All our kids have to take turns but Benjamin is usually up earliest in the morning so he gets first shift. Overall, he’s turning into a nice young man.