Joel did it! He finished 1st grade and we’ll be extending it until the fall with sequels and other good books that I have on hand. We are also going to redo the spelling assignments to keep working on that and play Prodigy to keep our math sharp.
At the beginning of 2022, our church started studying The Story so we have been doing that as our family devotion. For school bible time, we finished The One Year Bible for Children and started Ergemeier’s Bible Storybook. Joel memorizes a verse for the week for school and Rangers.
Joel made a walking stick in Royal Rangers ->
In history, our main spine was The Usborne Internet Linked Children’s Encyclopedia. We also add things to our timeline at the end of every week. For a missionary emphasis we read Return of the White Book.
For read alouds we finished The Hundred Dresses. We read Johnny Appleseed: The Story of a Legend and Cool Beans. We also read weekly selections from The Bill Martin Jr Big Book of Poetry.
Readers include a word list book I Can Read It Word Lists. Joel read The Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, A Fly Went By, A Big Ball of String, and The Bravest Dog Ever: The Story of Balto.
We finished up our LA1 with weekly spelling words, reading lists, grammar with Explode the Code 3, a cursive assignment, and a weekly creative assignment.
For math we finished Horizons 1.
We also managed to finish Science A. He had almost daily readings from The Children’s Encyclopedia and a weekly assignment and sometimes experiment from Discover and Do Level K. On the last week, we read a book called Isaac Newton and the Laws of Motion.
Joel has a weekly piano lesson and daily practice. He has karate twice a week and Rangers on Wednesdays. These activities will continue through the summer. He tested and received his orange belt in Feb. He is in a spring basketball league. He likes to help with Active Love Church and Connections activities. Our little guy went home during this unit so Joel is back to being the ‘baby’ but most people think he is older than he is because of his vocabulary and his size. We had his birthday (and Hannah and Nate’s) this unit so got to see family. Overall, a pretty good ending to the year!
Tera R Im very proud of you Joel