Ginny finished LA2 (going a little faster than scheduled) a couple weeks ago. We are hoping to complete LA3 by the end of the summer so she can start on grade level with her next core.
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Franc M Wooo! Hooo!
Misty B Good job Ginny…..
Norma W Good job!
Paulette N Way to go!
David E I’m guessing “Level Aptitude” as the acronym for LA…..always trying to keep those things defined as an homeschooling “outsider” in the BHSWAT of life…..( Before Home School Was A Thing of Life). Congratulations on advancing to the next challenge … See more
involving language)
Rebecca language arts
David E copy that….any Backwards Shwahili in the Mix? (A language joke in my family commentary