We had a great tea party open house for the Hope House ministry and were so blessed by the turnout. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the ladies.
Hope G So much fun!! and I absolutely love the way our friends and family love us!!!
Barbie H I wish I could’ve been there
Micah W Everything looked so nice. You ladies are such a blessing to so many.
Del F Couldn’t make it, let me know what they have left please.
Rebecca Del we have some jelly left and a few nice pieces of jewelry you could buy for Heather.
Jackie G So well done ! It was a blessing to be with y’all. Surely the Lord is in the house !
Hope G So much fun!!

and I absolutely love the way our friends and family love us!!!
Barbie H I wish I could’ve been there

Micah W Everything looked so nice. You ladies are such a blessing to so many.

Del F Couldn’t make it, let me know what they have left please.
Rebecca Del we have some jelly left and a few nice pieces of jewelry you could buy for Heather.
Jackie G So well done ! It was a blessing to be with y’all. Surely the Lord is in the house !