1st 6 Weeks of 2nd Grade

We just completed our first 6 weeks. Yay! We slid about one week due to conflicts and holidays. Not too shabby. Joel is doing Core B which is Intro to World History I. The core is mostly the same from when the olders went through it with a few new titles and changes to keep it interesting.

We are finishing up our year long study of The Story with Active Love Church so that has been our family devotion time this whole unit. Joel has an additional devotional book called The Ology that we are enjoying as well as a bible memory assignment each week.

In history/social studies, we read through Wonderful Houses Around the World and learned about all the different types of houses people live in and started a book called Around the World with Kate and Mack which we will use to study other cultures. We also add to our timeline on Fridays. We have The Usborne Book of World History and Child’s History of the World as our history spines this year.

For Read Alouds we read Charlotte’s Web (and watched the movie), Archeologists Dig for Clues, and Homer Price. We have National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry for our weekly poetry selections.

Reading / LA has a weekly spelling test, grammar sheets with Explode the Code 4, and vocabulary practice with Wordly Wise A, and a weekly creative assignment. Joel is currently reading The Beginner’s Bible to me.

Joel’s Science B has been completely redesigned since the olders. It is called Matter, Ecosystems, Earth Systems, and Engineering Design. There are just a few books that didn’t change. Their experiment book hasn’t been updated yet for this level, so we decided to go with the Experiment book from Science A called Discover and Do Science Experiments 1st Grade that has been updated. It comes with videos that help make my job easier and Ginny is joining Joel for that part of her science as well. In this unit we read Magic School Bus: Inside the EarthDK Findout Earth, and selections from See How It’s Made.

Joel will be working through Horizons 2 this year. He is on level and picks up new topics fairly easily.

Extras are exciting. We have weekly piano/drum lessons and daily practice, we have weekly karate, are in a 6 week soccer season, weekly Royal Rangers, and typing. We also have Connections Mon-Thur with occasional Parents’ Night Out and church events. We had McGregor Founder’s Day in Sept and the kids did some karate demonstrations. Grandpa and Grandma came up to visit and watch some sports and we toured the Texas Ranger Museum. Daddy took the kids to the coast and to tour NASA. And Gram came up for sports later and took the kids to the circus. We stay busy.

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