Joel also finished up week 12 before the Christmas break. Catching up on recording this week. He does well, gets a little frustrated when he gets something new that he has to ‘learn’ but we’ll keep working on that.
Joel has a devotional book called The Ology that we are enjoying as well as a bible memory assignment each week. We also do family devotions together to kick off our morning most of the time.
In history/social studies, we have a book called Around the World with Kate and Mack which we read about a culture without a bible in their language each week. We also add to our timeline on Fridays. We have The Usborne Book of World History and Child’s History of the World as our history spines this year. We studied ancient Egypt this unit and did a section of The Usborne Time Traveler. We also read Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found right before the anniversary of its discovery so we watched some news articles about that.
For Read Alouds we read Mr. Poppers Penguins (and watched the movie), Owls in the Family, and Henry Huggins. We have National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry for our weekly poetry selections.
Reading / LA has a cursive assignment, weekly spelling test, grammar sheets with Explode the Code 4, and vocabulary practice with Wordly Wise A, and a weekly creative assignment. Joel is currently reading The Beginner’s Bible to me and he also read Surprises and Pompeii Buried Alive.
Joel’s Science B has been going pretty well. It is nice and light and covers a lot of topics. He read Magic School Bus: At the Waterworks and What is the World Made Of. He started reading DKfindout! Earth. He has been doing experiments in Discover and Do 1st Grade with Ginny, and reading selections from See How It’s Made each week.
Joel does well in math. He is on track with Horizons Math 2.
Extras are exciting of course. Joel wrapped up piano lessons in December and had a recital. He’s moving on to drums. All the kids finished out karate with purple belts in December testing. We had all the church and Connections events. Joel still is mostly a participant but he gets to help with lots of prep work. He also gets to go to all of Hannah and Benjamin’s games. We got Frodo the puppy in December and Joel has some responsibilities with him and since Joel is still a puppy, they play well together. We try to fit in family time. We had a birthday party in Austin with the Millers, Bandera Thanksgiving with the Moehrings, and celebrated Grandpa Diltz’ 70th birthday as well.
Misty B Good job Joel…
Paulette N awesome work