We managed to finish up week 12 before Christmas break and now I find myself with time to write up the progress. We are settled into a good weekly rhythm with the course work leveled out and I’ve got a system set up for grading that is working pretty well. Hannah is a rock star and gets her work done around our schedule and her odd jobs.
Hannah has a devotional called Bible Study Sampler and another theological book called Why Pray? that she finished. Then she started God’s Will, God’s Best. She still has a weekly memorization passage, but has started doing her youth group one instead of her school one.
In history/social studies, we worked through the 3rd and 4th books in the History of US series. Hannah also read Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold, The Great Little Madison, and Sacajawea. Hannah has been asked to watch a daily news short and still has a current events report once a week. We also still do a timeline activity at the end of each week.
In language she has a weekly creative assignment due on Friday. She is still doing spelling with Sequential Spelling Book 6 and vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9. She has two ‘extra’ books that are scheduled sporadically; a Latin study called Vocabulary with Classic Roots and an SAT prep workbook called Analogies I.
Hannah’s reading books have included Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison, They Loved to Laugh, and her poetry book is A Treasury of Poetry for Young People.
Science is Apologia Physical Science. She has has some interesting experiments, but has decided that she doesn’t like chemistry very much. I appreciate the layout of this text and workbook and can see why others use Apologia.
Hannah’s math text is Math U See Algebra I. It has a video segment and then lessons. She has worked out a nice weekly schedule and is doing well on her most of her tests.
Hannah has a lot of extras to keep her entertained. All the kids finished out karate with purple belts in December and we are going to take a break from that because of Hannah being on a club volleyball team (woohoo) and Ben playing jr hi basketball. Hannah helps with all our Hope House, Active Love Church, and Connections activities. She has been taking turns leading worship with our new church group. We got a puppy, Frodo, and she has responsibility for him. This unit, we met up with the Millers for some water park fun, and had a trip to Bandera for a Moehring Thanksgiving and to celebrate Grandpa Diltz’ 70th birthday. Hannah has been learning how to knit and recently sat in a couple of classes on how to use our sewing machine. She also babysits once or twice a week and drives ‘her’ car around on our common area when she wants quiet time.
Joyce J So pretty
Tura Z Cute!
Micah W Adorable both of you!
Mark C this whole family is just about as cool and sweet as it gets!
Mark C The Hannahverypretty&sweet…