Now that I’m old, haha, I’m trying out a special pillow that is supposed to help keep my spine aligned. I’ve had a pain in my neck/shoulder from a volleyball injury years ago that gets annoyed because of the way I sleep on my side and squish it. Hopefully this will help. It says it takes a couple weeks to get used to it. We’ll see.
Susan L I had to buy the same thing and it did help for a while but once it starts braking down I started having pain again. Also getting a new one was a little painful getting readjusted to it. 
Rebecca how long did it take before it broke down?
Susan L a couple of years
Susan L Oh I have a pinched nerve and disk issues in my neck.
Mark C Not trying to be pessimistic but I do have my doubts.
Mark C Is there a money back guarantee?
Rebecca My bro-in-law is a PT and he recommended cervical pillow, not necessarily this one. It isn’t that much more expensive than a regular pillow either.
Mark C Moehring good deal. And I should not be so skeptical. I hope it works for you. We look forward to hearing about it.
Colby R I was looking at a new one too! Good luck!
Mike B Looks more like CPAP pillow
Rebecca it says it can help with breathing
Kirsti S My husband has this pillow and he loves it.
Amy M I want one if you like it!
Christine P Good luck
Cyndi A Let me know how that works out. Got a VB injury too!
Lee Ann H Not a pillow but an exercise kit. I ordered mine a couple of days ago because the reviews and comments are very good and my shoulder has been painful.
Paulette N Hope it works for you.
Heather B Can you share what kind it is. I have a bulging and herniated disc in my neck and could use a new pillow that would allow me to side sleep….
Rebecca Pulatree brand but there are a lot of different ones
Earnest B Sutera. I like mine. Janie didn’t care for hers.