Mark C Leave it… way good Watch Spider or Guard Spider… who needs a dog. That thing looks like an Alien was left behind… maybe contact the authorities…
Colby R Orb spider? We had one on front porch 2 summers in a row. I would zap flies and toss into its web, great pet
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:5-6
Robin W Don’t send him to me lol
Micah W Yikes!!!
Morgan H Nope
Jackie P We had those in Brenham. Catch bugs. Will make a BIG WEB.
Hope G Eeeewwww
Norma W Awesome!!
Jane D I guess everything’s bigger in Texas!
Richard F Yellow Garden Spider. Saw one once that was almost as big as my hand. Good spider to keep around.
Richard F
Beneficial Yellow Garden Spiders
Mark C Leave it… way good Watch Spider or Guard Spider… who needs a dog. That thing looks like an Alien was left behind… maybe contact the authorities…
Colby R Orb spider? We had one on front porch 2 summers in a row. I would zap flies and toss into its web, great pet
Sheri L Eeeek
Janie B It must be that time of year!