We finished 18 weeks before the end of December! This is a first for us. It is all Hannah’s fault because she of her dual credit classes she didn’t skip as many days as we would have normally so the others didn’t either. It helped that Nate was around also for when I would have conflicts.
For bible, Hannah uses The Westminster Shorter Catechism as a spine. She is working through What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? as a theology book. She has some verses to memorize each week. We finished our bible reading plan with our church and are starting a new one next year. Hannah purchased a new study bible that she is looking forward to using this year.
Her spines for history are The Story of Christianity, The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History, and From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya. We still do timeline and current events on Fridays.
Math is Math U See Geometry. Hannah is doing pretty well even though she doesn’t like it.
English Literature goes well. She has finished up Pride and Prejudice, and read A Solitary Blue, Romeo and Juliet, and Moon Over Manifest. She reads from A Child’s Anthology of Poetry for poetry selections each week. She does well with her creative assignments. She also is continuing her Vocabulary from Classic Roots with book B Analogies 2, and Sequential Spelling with book 7.
Science is Apologia Biology. She has a text and suggested reading plan and experiments. She has been in a genetics unit and been doing well on her tests.
Hannah made an A+ in her Learning Frameworks class. She is enrolled to take Business Computer Applications and Art Appreciation next semester. If she does well in the spring, we are considering taking a couple classes during summer session as she wouldn’t have anything else going on then.
Hannah doesn’t have any school related extras but she stays busy. She still leads one or two worships a week at our church, baby sits weekly, and is finishing up her driver’s ed class and practicing parallel parking. She is a great helper at church and Connections events and finds time to craft in between. She comes with to most of Ben’s basketball games. We had trips to Center Point and Bandera in Nov and Dec for Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and Christmas festivities. Hannah did a great job acting in a recent youth mystery event. Time flies!
Mary Alice W She is so sweet!
Beautiful and talented as well.
Donald D

Linda V so beautiful
Paulette N Way to go, Hannah!
Robin W Beautiful inside and outside.

Wendy M She’s beautiful
Rebecca thank you
Samantha L Okay, what the heck?!! She looks so grown up

Jane D So very lovely she is!
Roberta N Hi Beautiful!
I love that you guys use your website for this. An inspiration to all webmasters!