I have scribbled all over the new catalog and think we have a plan for next year. Why must I do this so early? Because Sonlight updates prices and makes book changes in April, so I have to decide if we will upgrade the older stuff or not before then. Also, Hannah has to enroll for her summer classes and plan her fall semester.
Summer Plan:
Hannah summer – Sociology, Math Fundamentals
Other three will do some Texas history and maintain reading/math
Fall 24 – Spring 25:
Hannah – American History, Literature (Core 300), Algebra II, Chemistry, Volleyball, Spanish I, Geography
Benjamin – World History and LA (Core 200), Geometry, Earth Science, Basketball, Spanish I
Ginny – World History I and LA (Core G), Horizons 6, Geology, Volleyball
Joel – American History I and LA (Core D), Horizons 4, Energy and Earth Science