Y’all pray for Nate, he is at the height of a poison ivy outbreak. He is highly allergic and always needs steriods to help him recover. But it still takes awhile.
1 thought on “Poison Ivy”
Linda V Yikes, praying.
Jackie G Has he tried Ivarest Poison Ivy Itch Cream?
I’ve had the steroid shots too- really helps but this is the crème stopped my itching.
Got it at Dollar General
Jackie G We’ll be praying for him too !
Mike B Bad news. It affects me bad as well. Wishing him quick recovery
Tura Z I’ve had that problem before! Praying!
Debbie D
Tammy M Oh no. Will pray
Jessica C Praying!!
Norma W Praying for relief soon!
Debbie D I hope the meds start working soon. Jacob and I are allergic and it is hard to deal with
Judy S Praying for you, Nate!! That is horrible stuff. I remember the time Dad had it bad.
García E Prayers
Barbara S with love…
Mary Alice W Praying for Nate..
Joyce J I know from experience that is miserable. Father God bring quick healing in Jesus name!
Beverly M
Jackie N for quick recovery
Paulette N
Tara H Sending prayers
Rebecca M Got some good stuff and a shot today
Jace N Been there. Good luck for fast healing
Charles G
Brittany H praying for a speedy recovery
Pat H Last time I really got it, someone told me to drink aloe vera juice ( got at Wal-mart ). It seemed to help the itch & blisters go away faster.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Linda V Yikes, praying.
Jackie G Has he tried Ivarest Poison Ivy Itch Cream?
I’ve had the steroid shots too- really helps but this is the crème stopped my itching.
Got it at Dollar General
Jackie G We’ll be praying for him too !
Mike B Bad news. It affects me bad as well. Wishing him quick recovery
Tura Z I’ve had that problem before! Praying!
Debbie D
Tammy M Oh no. Will pray
Jessica C Praying!!
Norma W Praying for relief soon!
Debbie D I hope the meds start working soon. Jacob and I are allergic and it is hard to deal with
Judy S Praying for you, Nate!! That is horrible stuff. I remember the time Dad had it bad.
García E Prayers
Barbara S

with love…
Mary Alice W Praying for Nate..
Joyce J I know from experience that is miserable. Father God bring quick healing in Jesus name!
Beverly M
Jackie N
for quick recovery
Paulette N

Tara H Sending prayers

Rebecca M Got some good stuff and a shot today
Jace N Been there. Good luck for fast healing
Charles G
Brittany H
praying for a speedy recovery
Pat H Last time I really got it, someone told me to drink aloe vera juice ( got at Wal-mart ). It seemed to help the itch & blisters go away faster.
Lynda T Sending prayers!