Wall Project

Even though it has been over a year since we transitioned to Nate being full time pastor, we are still figuring out our schedule and how to get everything we want to do done. We’ve also had to reevaluate our ‘sabbath’ since Sundays are definitely not a day of rest for us. Schooling is still our highest priority, running our businesses takes up most of the rest of our time, and pastoring/volunteering/loving people fills in all the cracks (and sometimes attempts to take over other areas). We have to be a little more intentional about protecting sanity time.
Due to summer being more of a down time, we have had a few days at home and unscheduled so have gotten to some projects that were just hanging out waiting for us to get to them. One of them was updating the beautiful faces of our family on our hall wall. Yay!

1 thought on “Wall Project

  1. Ashley A Yay! You guys are an amazing Impact in the lives of others. 🌺

    Doti G I have always admired your family and the “go-get-em” energy you all have. I love seeing your updates. The wall of beautiful faces looks wonderful! Happy start of fall to you!

    Brittany H Your sacrifices have made such an impact on this community. So much good. We appreciate all of you and your time!

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