I kinda messed up Hannah a little bit because I falsely assumed that she would need to take World History for her associates degree but according to MCC, Texas requires American History, which I had Hannah take in 9th grade. So this year, she is doing Dual Credit American History I and II and not doing history at home.
We are still using the bible and theology readings for the Core 300. Hannah follows along with our church bible reading plan as well and having memory work for school and youth. This unit she read How to Ruin Your Life by 30.
In history/social studies, as mentioned she is doing Dual Credit and doing well in those classes. She does still have a weekly current event assignment.
Since she isn’t doing our history, I don’t have read alouds for her. Maybe we’ll get to read together a little more next year before she’s gone. I did purchase a college and career workbook set that she has been working through. Starting to make decisions about what she wants to do and where she might want to go and what jobs fit her personality and what she is interested in. The college mail has started coming in.
Language Arts is focused on 20th Century Literature and she has been reading some more recent well known books. She has read The Great Brain, Heart of Darkness, Murder on the Orient Express, and The Great Gatsby. Her poetry book is Robert Frost’s Poems and we have a reading every now and then from Heart to Heart. She finished up Sequential Spelling 7 and we decided she didn’t need to do any more. This year we will continue vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 11, Latin with Classic Roots C, and word analysis with Analogies 3. She is also taking English Composition I and II this year so if she has writing assignments for MCC, I back off on our assignments for home.
She is getting a break from science this fall because she is busier during volleyball. But she will be taking Chemistry in the spring.
Math is MUS Algebra 2, Hannah’s last math for high school. She does ok most of the time.
Hannah had quite a busy first couple of months of school with baby sitting once or twice a week, volleyball almost daily, Connections events, and continuing to lead worship for church. We are very glad she has her own wheels because there were lots of times when we needed help getting her or Ginny to the right place when we also had other commitments. Volleyball did make her miss a number of youth classes and that made her sad. She did get to hang out at a late night glow party. Dual credit started mid-September and she has been doing well in her classes. Grandpa and Grandma came through for a volleyball game on their way to MN and Gram came up for a game also.