Halfway through 4th grade. Joel usually finishes first mostly because he has the easiest level to do but also because he is a pretty good student. I think he also likes getting done quickly so he can get to playing.
Family devotions include our reading plan or a short devotion. For school, Joel has a book called Talking With Your Kids About God and a memory passage or two each week along with this Kid’s verses from church or Rangers.
For history and social studies he is continuing in a book called American Indian Prayer Guide. We have American History: A Visual Encyclopedia and The Beginner’s American History and every now and then a reading from Landmark History of the American People as our spines. We started a book called King George What Was His Problem?. Each week we have a current events assignment and timeline entries.
Nate and Joel read Johnny Tremain and Toliver’s Secret as read alouds. Each week they have a selection from A Child’s Introduction to Poetry.
Language Arts has a rhytym. He has spelling with Sequential Spelling 1, a cursive assignment each week, grammar with The Grammar Ace, vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 4, and usually a creative assignment each week. His readers included The Skippack School, And Then What Happened Paul Revere, Phoebe the Spy, and The Trailblazing Life of Daniel Boone. He started Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia.
Science consists of mostly readings from The Usborne Encyclopedia of Planet Earth. He has a weekly reading from DK Findout! Engineering. And a weekly experiment with Discover and Do: Level D.
Math is Horizons 4 and when he has some free time we usually do some Prodigy as a supplement.
Joel’s collar bone kept him from being able to reigster for basketball this winter. He is a little bummed but he’ll be ok and get to play next year. He did get to go to lots of Benjamin’s games. His only extra right now is Rangers. He is still practicing and taking turns playing drums for worship. He also got to be a ‘participant’ in church and Connections events like the gingerbread house contest, day camp, and caroling. We saw family at Thanskgiving and Christmas and had a TN trip over Christmas break.
Mathew R Woohoo! Great job, Joel!