Halfway through Core 300

We finished up the halfway mark right at the end of Christmas break. Hannah has been doing almost 100% of her work on her own. She finished up her dual credit semester with As and got invited into an honor society. She also got her PSAT results, we’ll have to wait for the fall to see if she qualifies for national merit, but we feel like she did well.

Hannah is using the bible and theology readings for the Core 300. She follows along with our church bible reading plan which we finished on 12/31. She also has memory work for school and youth. This unit she finished Mere Christianity and started Why I Believe.

In history/social studies, she finished Dual Credit American History I and English Composition I. 

Language Arts is 20th Century Literature. She read Parallel Journeys, The Wave, and Kon-Tiki. Her poetry book is Robert Frost’s Poems and she has a reading every now and then from Heart to Heart. She continue vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 11, Latin with Classic Roots C, and word analysis with Analogies 3

No science in the fall, she starts Chemistry soon.

Math is MUS Algebra 2, she will be happy to be done with math after this year. 🙂

Hannah is becoming her own little independent adult (which is the goal, of course). She continues to lead worship at church and coordinate practice times, she works 3 or 4 shifts at 3 Spoons a week, attends youth, takes the yougers to Rangers, and gets herself to dual credit classes and back. She will be teaching the girls class on Wednesdays nights for Rangers starting in January. We swapped Ginny and Hannah’s rooms so that Hannah can have a better chance of sleeping in the next morning when she gets home from a late shift. I think this has been marginally successful. Hannah attended youth winter retreat in November. She also jumps in as a helper for Connections and church events. This unit we had all the holiday stuff and Benjamin’s basketball schedule to keep us busy. For family: we had Thanksgiving break in CP/Bandera/Kerrville and also got to see Morgan and fiancee Jason, Christmas with Gram in Waco, and Christmas with Diltz/Shader in Tennessee. We had gingerbread house decorating contest, day camp, bingo, and NYE worship at church. Lots of fun!

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