Hannah is rocking her Junior year. She keeps on top of her school work at home, is taking four dual credit classes this semester (one of which Ben is taking with her so they can go together), works her part time job at 3 Spoons, and leads worship at church. She fits friends and fun in between!
Hannah is using the bible and theology readings for the Core 300. She has a few reading plans on YouVersion she is working through for personal devotion. For theology, she is reading Why I Believe.
For history/social studies, she is enrolled in Dual Credit American History II and English Composition II.
Language Arts is 20th Century Literature. She read Cry, The Beloved Country, The Old Man and the Sea, The Contender, and The Moves Make the Man. Her poetry book is Robert Frost’s Poems and she has a reading every now and then from Heart to Heart. She continues vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 11, Latin with Classic Roots C, and word analysis with Analogies 3.
Hannah got a break from science last fall but is taking dual credit Chemistry this semester. So far, she has been doing well and learning about lab work.
Hannah and Benjamin are taking Spanish I this semester and following up with Spanish II next semester. That way they can study together, though I’m not sure they have been. Both have been doing Duolingo Spanish for quite some time so it seems like they are having an easy time of it so far.
Math is MUS Algebra 2, it is her last math requirement for high school.
Hannah stays busy. She is going to the jr college 4 days a week and often picking up a work shift while she is already in town. She still plans and leads our Sunday worships and practices. She also started teaching the girl’s class at Royal Rangers in January. She seems to enjoy that. Youth once a week and finding time to hang with friends rounds out her schedule. Special events this unit were a Winter Formal with TX Wind friends, a birthday trip to SA to see almost all of our TX family and go ice skating, Nate’s bday, Hannah’s bday, and Joel’s bday. Hannah also got the honor of being the first babysitter for our friend’s new 3 mo old.