4th 6 Weeks of 7th Grade

Scooting along. In the second half of the year now and 24 weeks down!

We start our days with a family devotion most of the time. Then Ginny has a devotional book called The International Cildren’s Bible Field Guide with readings and questions. She also has bible passages to memorize for school that she recites on Fridays. 

In history/social studies, we have Usborne Encyclopedia 12,000 years of World History and The Story of the World: Middle Ages. Every now and then we have a reading from a short book called The Kingdom Strikes Back. We have a poetry book called Favorite Poems Old and New that we read selections from each week. We have a weekly current events assignment and timeline entries. This unit we read A Single Shard and The Hidden Treasure of Glaston. We started The Great and Terrible Quest.

Readers for this unit were Black Horses For The King, Son of Charlemagne, and we started A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver.

Our language schedule consists of spelling with Sequential Spelling 3, grammar with Keys to Good Language 6, vocabulary with Wordly Wise 3000, Book 6, a cursive assignment, and a creative writing assignment each week.

Science has What’s Science All About? as a spine. This unit we added in readings from The Usborne Enclycopedia of Planet Earth. Her experiment book is called Chemically Active. We have managed to do most of the experiments.

In math, Ginny is working through Horizons 6.  When we have a little bit of extra time she is supposed to do some supplemental work in Prodigy to try to ensure we have caught all our math gaps.

Ginny decided to run track again this year so that is her main extra after Ben’s basketball was over in February. She has practices and meets and practicing when she doesn’t have practice. Ginny and Joel both participated in a campout with Royal Rangers at the church to practice set up and tear down and meal preparation. We had 3 February birthdays to celebrate, Ginny enjoyed ice skating at Joel’s gathering. She attended a junior high dance and enjoyed herself. Other than that, she has youth once a week and does some small jobs for us at church.


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